Sign Language Books (& Videos)
"Bird of a Different Feather" & "For a Decent Living"
It is really the VIDEO here that is good.  The BOOK is just a workbook.  I am just starting "For a Decent Living," but "Bird of a Different Feather" is an allegory about Deaf Culture in a story about a little song bird in a family of eagles.  Done only in Sign Language, you better have a good understanding of ASL before watching it.  You Can Buy it Here
"Animal Signs" This is a very cute board book!  Both babies and adults like it and can learn some signs.  Babies learning sign language is an interesting topic . . . more about that here!
"ASL Poetry"  Very cool video!  Again, you have to understand enough ASL to "get" it, but it is fascinating!
"Signing Naturally"  Yeah, it is boring, but it DOES help you get that basic vocabulary really well.  It was my class text for 101, afterall.
"Christmas Mission"
Okay, this video is about Mormon missionaries, and one of the guys who plays the dark haired (and kind of snobby) Elder lives in my ward (parish) and the other (Corbin Alred) was on that lame TGIF show "Teen Angel" . . . BUT, all that aside, one of the guys has a Deaf girlfriend back home and they meet a kid who is deaf and so it has interesting little sign language parts as well as a bit of a commentary on the Deaf.  Maybe you have a freind who is LDS that MIGHT have it, but I doubt if you can find it anywhere eles except maybe Deseret Book.
See Level 1 . . . same goes for 2
you can buy it here.
Ones with pictures I can't paste . . . Oh, well, ya "can't judge a book by its cover," right?  Anywho . . . .
"American Sign Language Consise Dictionary"
a good dictionary, though to really get it, you should have a PERSON show you.

"Sesame Street Sign Language ABC with Linda Bove"
one of my first. :o)

"Sesame Street Sign Language Fun with Linda Bove"
My very 1st!  Unfortunatley, it is out-of-print.

"A Journey into the Deaf-World"
supposedly really good . . . I haven't got to read it yet.  I'll let ya know when I do.

"Children of a Lesser God"
yes, I know it is rated R and I do not watch R's, BUT I have it on extremely good authority (namely my Mommy!) that it is a GOOD movie and that if it were rated NOW it would probably be PG, so I do not feel very guilty reccomending it.

"For a Deaf Son"
I have searched all over the net for this and haven't found it yet!  If you know how to get it let me know.  It is by a dad who was trying to ecide what kind of education to put his deaf child into and it is a documentary, unprofessional, and VERY good.  Looks at all sides fairly and is enthralling.  Any signing has interpeters, so it is perfect for anyone facing similar decissions, but doesn't know sign language.

"Deaf in America; Voices from a Culture"
not as good as it seems, but still short and usually required reading in begining ASL classes anyway.

"The Mask of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community"
It is by Harlan Lane, a name you will see often if you study ASL.  Hard to understand at times, but a compelling comentary.

"When the Mind Hears"
basically a really interesting history lesson on the Deaf culture.  If you can handle the jumping around, it is extremley well-written and you really ought to if you can find the time, especially since it is usually required in ASL courses in college.

Most anything published by DawnSign or Gallaudet or written by Lane, boring though he may be, is top-notch stuff.

Oh, and I do NOT reccomend "the Joy of Signing!"  This book is most often the one bookstore workers will give you if you ask for a book on ASL.  BUT it is tremendously out-of-date and the signs have changed so much you will end up siging so that only very old deaf people like to talk to you.  Do not be fooled by an up-dated cover . . . the text is pretty much the same.


This is for my first Deaf ASL teacher, Judy, who adores cats. :O)
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